W2AN/1BCG On-the-Air Again for Two-Way QSO’s

After a successful AWA on-air sending of the historic 1921 Trans-Atlantic message in December of last year, using the AWA replica of the 1921 transmitter, plans are now in place to do it again, only this time to offer two-way QSO’s with all stations wishing to participate.

The QSO party begins on Saturday evening, February 26, at 6:00 p.m. EST, or 23:00 GMT. AWA operators at the museum site in Bloomfield, NY will begin calling CQ on 1.821 MHz, CW, and will listen on or about that frequency for callers. We will work as many folks as we hear in order received and continue to do so until all amateur stations on the planet are in the log or propagation goes away, which ever happens first!

No QSL’s are required for you to receive a nice full sized color certificate confirming your QSO with W2AN/1BCG. Simply send your QSO information via email to egable@rochester.rr.com and the personalized certificate will be sent to the sending email address.

What Will I Hear?

Historic Articles from WorldRadioHistory.com

The Story of the First Trans-Atlantic Short Wave Message in the October, 1950 Proceedings of the Radio Club of America
The Far Call by Paul Godley, page 17 in the March, 1922 Wireless Age
The Story of the Transatlantics in the February, 1922 QST